What does it mean when you don't see? What does it mean when you don't hear? What does it mean when you cannot walk? And finally, what does it mean when you are ill? Unfortunately, there are in this world also disabled persons who know of pain day by day, a pain that is more a soul pain, realizing every time that you cannot be like all the other people around you.
Among disabled persons there is a human being, whose name is Olga Cirnat, and who is special because of her good nature and the big heart that she has.
These are her words: "I was born in the Republic of Moldova, in a small village named Holercani, near the old river Nistru. My family is numerous: the parents, three brothers, my elder sister and me. I was a very diligent pupil, a joyful girl, until one day happened the misfortune of my life. I fall ill very bad - arthritis. My life has transformed in a torture, I have spent my childhood in hospitals, and couldn't even graduate the school. The illness progressed more and more. I tried all the possibilities to recover myself. The parents addressed to a lot of places and doctors. Nights after nights my eyes were always wet because of the tears. It was painful for me to hear the voices of children who where playing outside. I didn't get any successes. I gave up with the thoughts that I will never be the person that I was. The years passed very hard, it seemed to me that they stop to go further and tortured me more and more. I prayed for God day and night to soothe my pain.
My hands got a new form than they used to be and began to be very painful. This change made me to be reserved, shy and skeptical. I spent a lot of years of my life in hospitals. I began to mature, but my life didn't change. It is very hard to see my colleagues that got married and have children. But I didn't lose myself because God is all seeing and takes care of all us. He gave me the gifts, with the help of which I can stun the people that are able to understand me. I began to sing and to express the feelings I have, I began to write poems, because the poetry is the garment of life and death, I began to create paintings, and with the help of these I can express the colors of life, so how they are. I put in these everything the most dearly I have, I am speaking from all my heart in order to show the beauty of the nature. Everything that I can't see with my unaided eye, I express in my paintings in order to form my own world.
I hope that these works and the help of the people with a big heart will give me that drop of hope that everything will be OK, because the illness cannot take my right to be a little happy.
I am begging you to be receptive because I met enough indifference in the society where I exist. I thank you in advance and let God give you only health and happiness and success in everything. I wish to them that are like me the following: "if you can't be the first, just be the best".
Olga Cirnat